DOT Medical Exam and Commercial Motor Vehicle Certification

DOT Medical Exam and Commercial Motor Vehicle Certification
In the US, you are required to have a physical exam and carry a U.S Department of Transportation (DOT) medical certificate with you if you drive a commercial vehicle. Our medical staff is certified by the FMCSA to perform DOT physical examinations on any driver. Vistar Medical Clinic Doctors are trained to understand DOT regulations and as much as possible, prevent drivers from being inappropriately disqualified.
A DOT physical exam is valid for up to 24 months. Our specialists will carefully review your health history including the past or recent illnesses and give a thorough report.
In the case that a driver has a diagnosis of a given condition such as cardiovascular disease, blood pressure or any other medical conditions, our medical professionals will monitor the condition and issue a medical examiner’s certificate for less than 24 months.
If physically qualified to drive a commercial vehicle, we will provide you with a copy of your results and complete a medical examiner’s certificate; hence one can receive their CDL medical card.